OS and User Interfaces

To meet the requirements of the new TV experience, we put our focus on the following points:

  • Worldwide partnerships with technology leaders (Microsoft, Google, Intel, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, nvidia, aso.)
  • Long-standing cooperations (hard, software and applications)
  • Long-term Roadmap to protect investments
  • State of the art hard- and software
  • Adaptable and open solution concepts (OS, applications, etc.)
  • Consistent support of standards (Silverlight, Flash, CE HTML, HTML5, DLNA, Apps, 3D, HBBTV, RF4CE, IR, etc.)
  • All systems can be updated remotely (BIOS, GNP, image, applications)
  • Easy and user-friendly handling, fast booting and zapping
  • Featuring unique multiroom capabilities
  • We love high level design
  • We strictly observe national and international laws and standards (i.e. COC)

and Reycom is proud to be a part of Windows Embedded World

